KRAINET is assigned rating of business reputation
We are happy to announce that rating agency ‘BIK Ratings’ assigned to LLC ‘Krainet’ a rating of business reputation. The rating of business reputation is an aggregate estimate that is assigned by the methodology. The rating reflects information about the business activity, the public and counterparty perception of the company in national and foreign markets, its financial condition and reliability. Getting the rating talks about the openness and willingness of the company to disclose all information about its business.
Getting the rating by the company demonstrates the opennes of the company’s management, integrity in contract enforcement, professionalism and quality of service.
The volume os the company’s assets on December 31, 2022 amounted to more than 1 million BYN, the total number of employees on April 01, 2023 amounted to more than 70 people. The company remains a reliable and effective counterparty, continues to grow dynamically. In 2023 subsidiary company LLC ‘KRAINET QAZAKHSTAN’ was opened with an office in Almaty. Since April 2023 this company has become a resident of ‘Astana Hub’, which confirms the integrity and quality of service, the desire to develop.
During the rating assessment of LLC ‘Krainet’ the following key factors were discovered, that influenced the level of assigned business reputation rating:
- A lack of public facts of corruption, theft, withdraw funds from the company by owners and management; a lack of public facts of investigative activities, finding of the owner and management in search; a lack of public facts of corporate conflicts inside the company; a lack of facts, that adversely affect the business reputation of mangers and company owners.
- The company was no payment delays to the budget and extra budgetary funds.
- No writ proceedings, no enforcement proceedings, no action procedure were opened against the company. The company didn’t participate in litigation.
- No overdue account payable as of December 31, 2022.
- No negative credit history.
- High level of satisfaction of counterparties of the company with integrity and quality of service (based on a survey of counterparties).
- No sanctions and restrictions imposed on the company.
- High accounts receivable turnover: 2 days at the end of 2022.
- High current liquidity ratio: 1,82 as of December 31, 2022.
The company will continue to work with transparent focus for the end customer. Aslo annual auditing was completed. Auditing described the company as a reliable partner, which works strictly within the law and business ethics. From our collective we thank to rating agency ‘BIK Ratings’ and our clients for a high level of confidence.